Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's Healthy Sammich Time!

A sammich is used to describe a sandwich that is exceptionally delicious. It is the "King of all Sandwiches", a "feast on a bun" or a "sandwich filled with heavenly goodness". For instance, a thick roast beef sammich with lots of gravy oozing in between is clearly not just an ordinary sandwich.

But rather than posting up the best sammiches that are obviously going to require you hours on the treadmill, I'd like to show you how sammiches can also give you a fun time without giving you a serious case of heart burn.

One of my favorite healthy sammiches is the Vegetable Panini. Yes, yes, you're already bored at the thought of having vegetables only. But remember, this is a sammich we're talking about. So you'll have to include special fillings.

Vegetable Panini

Usually, a panini uses ciabatta. But this time, olive bread is used. Now, munching on a toasted Olive Bread is delicious. But stuffing it with grilled eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes and pepper will give you something new. Spread some pesto on each bread slice and add slices of mozzarella cheese. Grill the whole thing until it looks like one yummy grilled vegetable panini. It's heavy and healthy so having one for lunch will keep you full throughout the day. If you're having this as one of your diet meals, you'll never think of diet as something that would be boring and tasteless ever again.

Another healthy sammich you can have if you're not into vegetables but would still like to keep it healthy is the Mediterranean Chicken Sammich. Again, it could be just any other sandwhich. But by adding something special, you'll have a healthy sammich that'll blow your mind.

Mediterranean Chicken Sammich

My favorite Mediterranean Chicken Sammich includes using Focaccia bread. It already has a salty taste that others would say it's like eating pizza but not really. Add in some grilled chicken, onions, lettuce and cucumber and place some thick avocado spread in it. Judging by the ingredients in this sammich, you'd say it reminds you of summer. It definitely reminds me of that a lot.

The last sammich on the list is the Date and Walnut Sammich with Chicken, Light Cheese and Cherry Preserve. The first time I saw this one it made me go all, "Woah, I'm not eating that." Cherry preserve? With chicken? And cheese? The only sandwich I've ever tasted with cherries on it were with peanut butter or just plain butter.

Date and Walnut Sammich with Chicken, Light Cheese and Cherry Preserve

But this is why it is called a sammich. It's different. Good different. The date and walnut bread used matched the fillings of grilled chicken, light cheese and cherry preserve. It was indeed weird to try at first but refreshing in the end. The cherry preserve really made it exceptional.

A healthy sammich is one meal that can fill you up with no guilt included. Opt for these when you go out for a bite to eat or when you're thinking of what healthy meal to make at home.

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