Monday, June 6, 2011

Malaysia's Tangkak Beef Noodles

When you are in Asia, it's always a must to give their noodle soup a try. Almost a lot of people will agree with me when I say that Asia has the best noodles and noodle soup and Malaysia's Tangkak Beef Noodles are definitely no exception.

Tangkak beef noodles are not the usual ones wherein you get a slice of beef and just regular noodles on a small bowl of soup. This has absolutely everything. Tripe, tendons, beef balls (like fish balls only made out of beef) and several raw beef cuts that will be cooked when placed into that hot savory beef soup.

If you are uncomfortable with the stuff inside the beef noodle soup, you can have it sort of "customized". You can just have the beef cuts without the tendons and tripe but that would take the fun out of those Tangkak beef noodles.

You can also choose what kind of noodles you want. Flat rice noodles, thin rice noodles or the egg noodles. Many would choose the rice noodles over the egg noodles but either one will still make you enjoy those Tangkak beef noodles.

The size of the bowl is huge enough that in my opinion, can be shared by two people. You can also choose what size you want if you're planning to eat alone. But if you're really that hungry, which you will be upon seeing it, one large bowl is enough.

Chili sauce is served separately with those Tangkak Beef Noodles so you can have the option whether you like your soup spicy. But I recommend that you should really try dipping just your beef tendons in it if you want a taste of how spicy it is.

Let your taste buds explore a little. Get a taste of Malaysia's noodles by eating Tangkak Beef Noodles when you're there. No matter what climate it is, having a bowl of hot Tangkak Beef Noodles will really keep your stomach satisfied.

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