Male (peacock) Indian Peafowl (Pavo cristatus) |
Eden Nature Park and Mountain Resort is one of the best places to visit in Davao during summer. If you want to get away from it all and experience the grandeur of Mother Nature all in one place then don’t forget to add this destination to your places-to-visit-this-summer list. Summer’s far from over so start planning your trip now! J
One of the things that I loved about my visit there was the animal sanctuary. Eden has its own deer park and aviary. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to take some decent pictures of the deer because they were too shy to even pose for the camera.
I spent most of my time taking pictures of the birds at the aviary. At least they had nowhere to go to once I had my lenses set. haha! Some of the birds even came closer to have their pictures taken! I had fun “working” with a pair of red-and-blue Lories because they did countless tricks just to impress their visitor.
I had a good 2-hour session with all of the birds. It was my first time to be in an aviary. I felt like a kid during his first visit to the zoo. Listening to the gentle water gushing through the stream nearby awakens your senses and relaxes the soul after a long and stressful day. Add the myriad sounds of the beautiful birds around you and you could almost tell that you are in paradise.
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, (Cacatua galerita) |
Red-and-blue lory, (Eos histrio) |
Olive-headed Lorikeet, (Trichoglossus euteles) |
Golden Pheasant or "Chinese Pheasant", (Chrysolophus pictus) |
Victoria Crowned Pigeon, (Goura victoria) |
Northern Cassowary, (Casuarius unappendiculatus) |
Thanks to Ms. Sham Leonora for the camera. :)